Erikson's Theory | 10" x 32" x by 12," buff clay and underglaze
Las Dos Katherrins | 5’ 6” x 5’ 6," Oil, acrylic modeling paste, & self portrait photography *work in progress
The Uncannily Beautiful Woods | 16" x 20," oil paint
Reunidos | 11" x 14," graphite, gold leaf, pressed flowers
Bodegón Argentino | 21" x 18," oil pastel on mylar
The Purge | 16.5" x 12," pen
The Fall of Man | 12" x 12" x 8," terracotta & underglaze
White and brown stoneware, high + low fire glaze
Before and After | 17" x 10," watercolor, pen, and acrylic paint
Tar | 11" x 15" x 6.5," terracotta, underglaze, and low fire glaze
Falta | block print
¿Donde Esta mi Mamá? | 9" x 12," charcoal
Madonna | Pen study, 9" x 12"
Wheel thrown stoneware pottery
The Persistence of Money | oil paint study
Frida | Pen study, 9" x 12"